Brick Manufacturing and Specifications
Brick has been used as a building material for centuries. As a result, brick are often thought to be a relatively easy material to manufacture. On the other hand, we expect much more of the brick manufactured today: a wider range of colors, tighter tolerances, and greater durability of both molded and extruded brick. Brick manufacturing is a science unto itself. This presentation focuses on how brick is made, including discussion regarding appropriate raw material, forming of brick units, surface colors and textures and firing and testing of brick units to ensure a durable finished product. The focus then turns to specifications. The discussion will include the purpose of ASTM Standards, differences between face brick, building brick, paving brick and hollow brick specifications, and various durability and appearance characteristics. We will discuss compressive strength, absorption characteristics, and dimensional tolerances, along with how these characteristics should be specified. A discussion of the environmental impacts of brick manufacturing is also included.
Learning Objectives
Discuss the extrusion and molding processes for forming brick and how each results in appearance and physical properties that meet building codes and ASTM standards.
Specify brick using appropriate standards and classifications that achieve desired performance and aesthetic expectations
Review raw material sources and how they are processed for use in brick manufacturing.
Describe measures taken by brick manufacturers to reduce the environmental impacts of brick production.
Course Information
Length : 1 HR
Credits: 1 HSW
Course Number: GGMFG22
Course Delivery: Live
Course Level: Introductory
If you would like to have this SARA Certified Course presented to your office please contact your local Glen-Gery/Brickworks representative or email us at CEUS@saranational.org
Contact Information:
Gia Scassera
Senior Design Studio Manager