become a member

Membership in SARA offers the benefits of fellowship, friendship and mentorship through a number of programs and opportunities:


  • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits

  • CEU Transcript Recording

  • Specialty Courses (ZNCD, FL Adv BLDG Code, Ethics, and More)

  • Professional National Design Awards Program

  • State Council-sponsored Professional Design Awards Programs

  • Mentorship programs (student, emerging professional and peer)

  • Lectures and other educational opportunities

  • Scholarships

  • ARE Training / Advocacy

  • Recognition


About SARA

Our Mission

The Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) is a vibrant professional organization of architects and industry related partners. Founded in 1956, we are a national organization with active councils and chapters throughout the country, as well as international members. SARA focuses on fellowship, friendship, and mentorship.


To work together for the betterment of the architectural profession, sustainability of the environment, support of the public good and advancement of each other as “architect helping architect.”

Our Size is a Virtue

We are a small, intimate group at various stages of our architectural training and careers. Every SARA member matters, each member’s voice is heard. Numerous events, programs and committees at national and local levels provide opportunities to get involved and interact with colleagues.

A Different Place for Architects

In keeping with the values of our founders, we believe in the collective enhancement of our organization and each other. Mentorship is an important SARA tradition and one of the many benefits of membership. Through student, emerging professional and peer mentorship programs, we actively encourage and benefit from the friendly counsel of each other.

Architects Making a Difference

As members of the profession and as citizens, we embrace our duty to contribute toward the peace, heath, culture and safety of society. Help us make a difference by getting involved in our community service projects.

Join SARA for the opportunity to learn, share and grow as an architect and a person.

membership categories

Professional SARA - $325.00/year

Professional Membership is open to registered or licensed architects in any state, territory or possession of the United States and in any country in the North or South American continents and the islands of the Western Hemisphere. Professional Members shall have all the benefits of membership, plus the rights to vote, to represent the Society as a delegate and/or hold office, and to use the initials of the Society to identify him or her as a member of SARA.

Introductory Membership $175/yr

Introductory Membership shall be granted at a reduced rate of dues for the first year of membership only and shall be available upon formal application and approval by the appropriate State Council or SARA National Headquarters Office in a state where no Council exists. Introductory Membership is available to registered or licensed architects in good standing in any state, territory or possession of the United States and in any country in the North or South American continents and the islands of the Western Hemisphere. It is also available to Affiliate Members. Introductory Members shall have all the benefits of Introductory membership.

Associate Membership $100/yr

Associate Membership is open to persons working towards architectural registration and working for and under the direct supervision of a registered/licensed architect, in any state, territory or possession of the United States and in any country in the North or South American continents and the islands of the Western Hemisphere. Associate Members shall have all the benefits of Associate membership.

Affiliate Membership $325/yr

Professional Affiliate Membership is open to persons or organizations whose activities support the design and construction industry. Affiliate Members include material suppliers; contractors, sub-contractors, structural, civil, mechanical and electrical engineers; attorneys; accountants; landscape architects; interior designers, etc. Professional Affiliate Members shall have all the benefits of Affiliate membership.

Student Membership $0/yr

Upon application and approval, Student Membership shall be granted to persons attending studies at a school, college or university of architecture in the United States or abroad. Students shall have all the benefits of Student membership.

 Senior Retired Membership $100/yr

Senior Retired Membership shall be granted to architects/applicantswho have reached the age of 65 years and who have ceased to practice the profession of architecture or are no longer associated with a full-time architectural occupation. Senior Retired Members shall have all the benefits of Senior Retired membership.