Brick Product Technical Specifications
This presentation will elaborate upon the information typically presented in a brick product technical data sheet, using typical technical data sheets as examples. An overview of frequently encountered ASTM brick standards will be provided. This will be followed by in-depth descriptions of the individual tests performed as well as the interpretation and significance of the reported values and their respective limits.
Learning Objectives
Analyze a typical brick technical data sheet to find physical properties related to brick durability.
Apply appropriate ASTM brick standards and based on the intended use and building application.
Compare the requirements of "Grade, "Class" and "Type" applications within common brick standards.
Explore how tests used to determine commonly reported brick properties are performed.
Describe the significance of the reported values and how they relate to product performance.
Course Information
Length : 1 HR
Credits: 1 HSW
Course Number: GGSPC22
Course Delivery: Live
Course Level: Introductory
If you would like to have this SARA Certified Course presented to your office please contact your local Glen-Gery/Brickworks representative or email us at CEUS@saranational.org
Contact Information:
Gia Scassera
Senior Design Studio Manager