Designing Masonry for Energy Efficiency and Code Compliance
This presentation addresses changes in the building code related to energy efficiency and fire safety and their impact on masonry wall construction and components including insulation, anchors, control membranes and veneer support. Minimum requirements of energy codes and standards are discussed and paths to compliance are compared. Current and emerging strategies for increasing energy efficiency and thermal resistance , and reducing thermal bridges in masonry assemblies are reviewed. An overview of NFPA 285 Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components is provided and considerations for brick walls that meet this standard and energy efficiency requirements are provided.
Learning Objectives
Discuss how continuous insulation affects anchored and adhered masonry veneer
Compare high performance design strategies available to meet current code requirements
Review the background to the current energy code requirements
Identify requirements related to the use of combustible materials in non-combustible wall types
Course Information
Length : 1 HR
Credits: 1 HSW
Course Number: GGIEC22
Course Delivery: Live
Course Level: Intermediate
If you would like to have this SARA Certified Course presented to your office please contact your local Glen-Gery/Brickworks representative or email us at CEUS@saranational.org
Contact Information:
Gia Scassera
Senior Design Studio Manager