Enhancing Masonry Veneer Aesthetics and Performance with Glazed and Surface Coated Brick
The durability of clay brick and the beauty of ceramic glazes have been combined for millennia to provide accents, highlights and entire facades of many iconic buildings of distinction and prominence. Today, brick coated with glazes and engobes continue to provide and extend the palette of brick colors and textures beyond the traditional, and provide the almost unlimited variety in aesthetics that designers expect. This program will familiarize designers with the manufacturing processes, design capabilities, material characteristics and installation practices for glazed and surface coated brick that provide superior performance in a wide variety of building applications from subways and schools to prisons and palaces.
Learning Objectives
Compare physical property requirements and characteristics of ASTM standards for glazed and surface coated brick.
Identify applications that are enhanced by the benefits of glazed and surface coated brick, as well applications for which they may be inappropriate.
Apply design, specification and installation best practices that promote optimal appearance and durability performance of glazed and surface coated brick.
Discuss enhanced water management strategies that are unique to glazed brick assemblies.
Course Information
Length : 1 HR
Credits: 1 HSW
Course Number: GG0001
Course Delivery: Live
Course Level: Introductory
If you would like to have this SARA Certified Course presented to your office please contact your local Glen-Gery/Brickworks representative or email us at CEUS@saranational.org
Contact Information:
Gia Scassera
Senior Design Studio Manager