Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement Design and Construction
This presentation provides an introduction to permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) systems. An overview of the problem with impervious surfaces and the advantages of Low Impact Development, specifically stormwater infiltration practices through pavement surfaces. The presentation addresses designing for hydrological and structural requirements, and reviews required details. The design approach discussed is based on the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute’s PICP design manual. Specifications and maintenance requirements are reviewed along with information on winter performance. Several project case studies illustrate the construction process.
Learning Objectives
How permeable interlocking concrete pavement can provide stormwater management benefits to land development projects.
Proper specifications for construction of PICP systems.
Industry recommendations for maintenance of PICP systems.
How to identify industry resources for specifying and designing PICP systems.
Different porous pavement options and the advantages of each.
Course Information
Length : 1 HR
Credits: 1 HSW
Course Number: OC0001
Course Delivery: Live
Course Level: Introductory
If you would like to have this SARA Certified Course presented to your office please contact your local Oldcastle representative or email us at CEUS@saranational.org
Contact Information:
Oldcastle APG, Inc.
Daniel Moreland
Belgard Architectural Representative