Operational Carbon, Reductions and Trade Offs
What is Net Zero Carbon in buildings? What considerations go into the design of a net zero carbon building? How do we get there? How do we change our designs and practice to accommodate the goals set forth for improving environmental performance in our buildings? This program looks to develop understanding and suggest methods as to how to approach this change in the way we do projects.
Learning Objectives
Designing to eliminate Operational Carbon
Identify Operational Carbon Sources in Building
Identify Global Warming Potential in Building Systems
Review design approaches to reduce Green House Gases
Considerations for reduction and elimination GHG
Review of Efficiency: Gas Vs. Electric Systems
Debunking myths of Gas Efficiency
Examination of trade offs for GHG free design
Keying in on a GHG approach to design
Course Information
Length : 1 HR
Credits: 1 ZNCD/HSW
Course Number: ZNCD02
Course Delivery: Online
Course Level: Introductory
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